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SG Style Blog


Lauren Graham

Happy New Year friends and fans! ( btw, if you don't already like us on Facebook, you can find us online here). We're back with lots of fresh ideas and loads of energy for making 2016 our #YearofTheHome. January is packed with loads of inspiration for clever home updates, Spring cleaning tips and more.  We're kicking off with some storage ideas for some common inconveniences. Here's to making to life a little more organised this year! Take a look:


Most of us have the off cupboard that fits this description. A deep shelf that makes it impossible to see past the first row of stored goodies. Wether it's your mugs and glasses in a kitchen, or your tins or spices lined up on a deep grocery shelf, you can't seem to get past the front row. The simple solution?  A step shelf. Consider this cabinet champion to make your life in the kitchen a little easier in 2016.


Turning over a new leaf and trying to eat more healthily? If your kitchen is easier to navigate, it'll be easier to prepare quick and easy meals at home. We love magnetic knife racks to keep your knives in an easy to reach space. We also love these floating shelves for oils and spices above the cooking area - keeping things close to where you need them makes cooking a pleasure.


Trying to navigate your shoe collection in a mountain of mess with shoes piled one on top of the other is not the best way to get ready in the morning. If your shoe stack is getting out of control, consider a clean up this Jan.  If you have a hanging wardrobe with open floor space, think about using a simple step unit to organise by doubling or even tripling your shoe storage space.  If you don't have the extra space at the bottom of your wardrobe,  take a look at these altenrative shoe storage tricks:

Use one of these small stack units to double your floor space at the bottom of a wardrobe.

Use one of these small stack units to double your floor space at the bottom of a wardrobe.

If cupboard space is limited, think about something like this leaning rack for your heels.

If cupboard space is limited, think about something like this leaning rack for your heels.

Sandals taking up too much space? Hang a rail close to floor height at the back of your wardrobe and consider hanging your sandal collection - problem solved!

Sandals taking up too much space? Hang a rail close to floor height at the back of your wardrobe and consider hanging your sandal collection - problem solved!

Consider hanging your long boots up- you'll keep them upright and save loads of space.

Consider hanging your long boots up- you'll keep them upright and save loads of space.


Bathrooms can always do with extra storage space and we love the hanging shelf for smaller bathrooms with limited floor space. You can kill two birds with one stone by mounting a towel rail on the bottom of your floating shelf, it's a huge space saver and extra convenient. This idea works well at counter level in a guest bathroom to store hand wash and other goodies, whilst working better at eye level in your bathroom to store body products and a towel next to the basin.

TOP TIP: Select a shelf/ wood and rail that matches your decor scheme to keep things cohesive.


We all dread laundry day, but keeping it organised makes life a whole lot easier. If you are pushed for floor space think about going vertical to create convenient laundry storage. Use coat hooks to hang up extra storage that is not only functional, but looks good too. Hang your clothes rack on a wall for drying, and light metal shelving to hold laundry items. Mix it up with different items on your hooks until you find what works best for you.

This clever DIY laundry rack is the perfect solution in a small apartment space with limited floor space.

This clever DIY laundry rack is the perfect solution in a small apartment space with limited floor space.

We hope we've at least tweaked your inspiration to join us in making 2016 your #YearofTheHome! Keep watching this space for loads more easy updates!